Geist Americas
1821 Yolande Ave
Lincoln, NE 68521 USA
+1.800.432.3219 or
+1.402.474.3400 Geist DCIM (Environet and Racknet)
2900 S College Ave Ste. 2B
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Geist Asia
Tiley Plaza Building A, Unit #2910,
No. 199 Haide 3 Road
Nanshan, Shenzhen
Guangdong, China
Tel: +86.755.86639505 Hong Kong
Tel: +852.8176.4860
Geist Europe
Unit 1, The Monarch Centre, Venture Way,
Priorswood, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 8DE, UK
+44 (0) 1823.275100 Geist Europe
36 Old Jewry,
London, EC2R 8DD, UK
+44 (0) 203.440.7575
Option 1